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Recently, one of my dear friends, Jenna Fluery, was faced with one of the hardest decisions of her life, having to put her horse of nearly 8 years down. Bucca had hurt himself while being turned out and broke his leg. When a horse breaks their leg chances are they will not recover since they are such large animals that need to be on their feet. Jenna did not take this well at all, and who would. I would like to share with you a touching essay she wrote about her horse and what a great impact he had on her life. 

The Horse That Saved My Life By Jenna Fleury

                His name was Sambucca or Bucca for short. He became ours August 30, 2001, 5 days after my tenth birthday. When we got him he had sat out in a field for two years and hadn’t been ridden. Needless to say there was a lot of evidence of that once we got on his back. He began to fill out and became breathtaking. Dark bay, muscular, and the most gorgeous horse I had ever laid eyes on. Before he left this world he made sure he had completed his purpose. I thought I knew who I was before I met him, but I was wrong. He taught me who I was and he made me the person I am today.

                When I met Bucca I was a quiet, shy girl. I followed around another girl at our barn, Forest. Forest became a good friend of mine and I believe that Bucca put her in my life for a reason. I turned to Bucca for a lot of support when my parents got divorced. I was 12 years old and it was a rough road. Bucca was always there for me when I needed a neck to hug or cry on. He stood there quietly and allowed me to just breathe in his scent. He was what I needed the most at that time. After my parents’ divorce I found it very hard to trust people. Again, Bucca was there for me. He silently healed my wounds. He allowed me to come out of my shell and to blossom into who I am today.

                Bucca made me aware of who I am and he allowed me to be able to speak my mind. He taught me how to love and he taught me that trusting another person was okay. He also taught me how to accept being hurt and let down. He had a lot of issues with his feet over the years and I missed out on a lot of horse shows and lessons. I never regretted owning him though, and I made sure he had the best because he meant the world to me. It really opened my eyes to dealing with letdowns. I always knew he would be a part of the family. People that don’t own horses really don’t understand just how tight of a bond we form with them. He became number 1 in my life and it was like he was my son. I did everything for him and he paid me back in every way possible.

                When I got that phone call I was completely unprepared. I was told he had a cut and wasn’t moving. 2 weeks earlier he had cut his nose deep and had required an emergency vet call and stitches. I figured this might need stitches as well and wasn’t something to freak out about. But I sped out to the barn to find my horse standing in his field. I was told he was bleeding profusely before I got there but they got it under control. The vet got there 5 minutes after I did and that’s when I received the terrible news. She told me that Bucca had fractured his leg and that there was nothing they could do for him. I immediately lost it and told her I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. And I wasn’t ready. There was still so much I wanted to say to him and so much I wanted to do with him. I wanted him to grow old in that field and I wanted to always go out and see him, happy and enjoying his retirement. I called my family, hysterical, and told them the news. They all were on their way out to the barn but the vet said we couldn’t wait any longer. The barn owner’s friend gave Bucca IV Banamine (NSAID-Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), but the vet said he was in excruciating pain. I had to make the decision all by myself to put him out of his pain. I was feeding him carrots and mints and he was head-butting me. I could tell he was in pain, but he was trying to be strong for me. His best buddy was out in the field with him and stayed with him through the end. Making the decision by myself was the hardest thing I have ever done. I believe that Bucca gave me the strength to be able to do it, but I wasn’t alone. He was with me until the end. He is still with me now.

                Bucca leaves signs for me that he is still here every day. On one occasion, the day after I had cried myself to sleep, I found 4 of Bucca’s hairs. He lets me know he’s still with me. I believe that animals are here for a reason. They are here to fulfill a purpose and once they have filled that purpose, they leave this earth. But they do not leave the lives that they have touched. They are with us forever. Animals are a special part of this world and are not to be taken for granted. Bucca made me the person I am today; he saved me in every way possible. I miss Bucca every single day, but I know he is always with me. I owe everything to Bucca. I love and miss you buddy. <3